Charles-François MATHIS

Charles-François Mathis is Senior Lecturer of Modern History at the University Bordeaux-Montaigne. He is a graduate of  the École normale supérieure (Cachan) and holder of an agrégation and PhD in history, as well as a graduate of Sciences Po Paris and Oxford University. He has worked on the roots of environmental protection movements in Great Britain (In Nature We Trust. Les paysages anglais à l’ère industrielle, PUPS, 2010; winner of the Livre d’histoire de l'Europe award; winner of awards from the Académie des sciences morales et politiques and the Société de géographie) as well as France (with Jean-François Mouhot, ed.), Une protection de l’environnement à la française (xixe-xxe siècles)?, Champ Vallon, 2013). In collaboration with Émilie-Anne Pépy, he will soon publish a work on plant-based nature in French cities since the seventeenth century (forthcoming in late 2015 from Armand Colin). His research is now moving towards the question of energy dependence, particularly with regard to coal in nineteenth century England.