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Digital Encyclopedia of European History
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“Creating Europeans” through popular education
A European Hauntology
A gender for strikes?
A Model of a Humanist, Cultivated Prince: King Francis I of France
Amateur Photography and War
Amsterdam and Rotterdam: actors in the European dynamic
Anglo-American “Special Relationship”: myth and reality (The)
Antarctica: A “European Invention”
Anti-Nuclear Activist Circulations in 1970s Europe
Arbiters and Arbitration in Europe since the Beginning of Modern Times
Archaeology as a Central Issue in the Creation of Identity
Architectural drawing collections at the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm: Reflection of French-Swedish exchanges during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Architectural Japanism in Europe (1860-1910)
Architectural photography in Europe
Architecture and real estate speculation during the second half of the nineteenth century
Army Medical Services
Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe, 1950s-1980s
Atlantic Community (The)
Atlantic Slave Trade (The)
Attempts at Pacification in Europe during Times of Religious Turmoil
August Strindberg, the Writer and the Telephone
Automobile Tinkering Cultures in Twentieth-Century Europe
Automobile, sport, and tourism
Ayahs in British India
Barbed Wire in Wartim: Uses and Memories
Barracks in Europe
Bayonet (The)
Belgian Symbolism and Nationalist Discourse
Berlin Wall (The)
Between innovation and memory: Phonographic culture in Europe, 1877-1914
Between science & philosophy: Émilie du Châtelet, a key figure of the European Enlightenment
Between the Memory of War and the Refusal of War: The Symbolism of Flowers
Birth Control in Europe
Birth of Humanist Historiography
Birth of Philology (The)
Bismarck and Europe
Black International in Europe from 1945 to the late 1980s (The)
Border, Belonging, and Circulations in the Pyrenees during the Modern Period
Botanical gardens in colonial empires
Bulgarian yoghurt: manufacturing authenticity
Calcutta Botanic Garden, nineteenth century (The)
Cartographic Representation of Europe during the Renaissance
Cartographic Worlds of the Renaissance (The)
Cathedral, an emblematic European monument (The)
Catholic sisters in Europe
Catholics and Europe during the Nineteenth Century
Censorship in Europe (seventeenth-eighteenth century)
Chernobyl disaster, a Soviet and European trauma (The)
Childbirth without pain
Children’s diplomacy and the construction of children’s rights during the twentieth century
Childwork in Europe (19th century)
Cholera, European imperialism(s), and health borders in the Mediterranean during the nineteenth century
Christian Democrat International (The)
Christian martyrdom in early modern Europe (sixteenth-seventeenth century)
Chronic diseases and the environment
Churchmen, Masculinity and the Priestly Ideal
Circulation of knowledge in the physical sciences during the twentieth century (The)
Civic humanism
Civil Europe Through Education: The Building of the first European School (1952-1959)
Civil Law, a Tool of Masculine Domination?
Coeducation (19th-21st centuries)
Collaboration in Europe, 1939-1945
Colonial Education in the Belgian Congo
Colonial past in Belgian history education since 1945 (The)
Colonial psychiatry (nineteenth–twentieth century)
Colonial Sciences
Colonial Students in Europe
Combatants (Nineteenth–Twenty-First Century)
Comics and War
Commissioning of Artwork for Charterhouses during the Middle Ages
Communications Surveillance during World War I
Concert of Europe (The)
Connecting Poland, a matter of survival for the Second Republic
Construction of nation states during the nineteenth century: the case of Italy (The)
Construction of racial knowledge by colonial medicine in Africa (The)
Construction of the first railway routes through the Alps (1848-1882)
Containers: A European Invention, Rediscovered
Contemporary Christ in European painting from the second half of the nineteenth century
Contending with meteorological conditions in times of war in Europe during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
Council of Europe and sport: origin and circulation of a European sporting model (The)
Council of Europe Art Exhibitions
Critical Infrastructure: Europe’s vulnerability geography
Cultural Heritage, a Central Issue in European Wars during the Modern Period
Cultural Identity of Planters in the French Antilles: French Elites and Local Adaptations (The)
Curious Science of Bohemians and Gypsies in the Face of Learned Europe (The)
Czechoslovak Legions (1914-1919)
Dadabhai Naoroji: A reformer of the British empire between Bombay and Westminster
De Gaulle and Europe
Decolonization of the Dutch East Indies/Indonesia
Degrowth: the history of an idea
Destroying and conserving nature in the European empires of Africa
Diets in Central Europe
Diffusion of Artistic Forms: “Styles”: 1200, 1300 and 1400
Digitization of European migratory control (The)
Diplomats and Diplomacy
Does a European Standard for Liberties Exist?
Domesticity in Europe
Doubts regarding faith
Dutch Bicycle (The)
Dutch colonization project during World War Two (The)
Early childhood care in Europe (nineteenth–twentieth century)
Earning a Living in Europe during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: a Question of Gender
Ecofeminism in Europe: A Social Movement from the 1980s
Economic project in the European construction and its implementation (The)
Educating Europeans
Educational decentralization in Europe (nineteenth to twenty-first century)
EEC/EU and Development Aid from Lomé to Cotonou
Egtved Girl (The)
Electrifying colonial Africa: Portuguese developments
Elisée Reclus: A Philosophy of Nature
Elites: Privileged Vectors of European Construction
Email: comparing the European pathway
Emergence of ‘responsible research and innovation’ in european union policy (The)
Emigration of French artists in Europe after the Revolution of 1789 (The)
Ending War
English Boxing, A European Spectacle
English Reformation and Ghosts (The)
Environmental Risks: For Another Reading of Territories
Epidemics and quarantine in Europe
Erasmus and Luther
Eugène Viollet-le-Duc (1814-1879)
Euro Banknotes: Gateways, Windows, and Bridges
Europe and cyberspace – Data protection
Europe and the Legal Regulation of International Relations
Europe as Viewed by Joseph de Maistre
Europe as Viewed by Louis de Bonald
Europe of Congresses
Europe of knowledge (seventeenth–eighteenth century) (The)
Europe of Multinational Empires (Nineteenth–Early Twentieth Century) (The)
Europe of Political Crises
Europe, matrix of contemporary terrorism?
Europe: Between Religious War and Peace
European “Model” Defined by Public Policies (A)
European Art Facing Otherness
European art viewed from the Persian and Indo-Persian worlds (Iran, Central Asia, India)
European Astronomy in Chile
European Asylum Capitals during the Nineteenth Century
European Aviation in the First World War
European Balance of Power
European catholicity?
European cinema: male domination masked by art
European Commercial Ports
European Commission’s White Paper on European Governance (2001) (The)
European Construction and Public Opinion
European diplomatic practices and modern globalizations
European Elites: Migrants Like Any Other?
European environmental policy
European far right (The)
European Feminisms in the Face of Fascisms
European Imagination of the Forest: From the Margins to Loss
European influence in Japanese architecture (1860-1930)
European integration process in Italian History syllabuses (The)
European Lexicon of Prostitution
European merchant (The)
European Migrants’ Crossings to the United States (1880-1925)
European Naval Bases and Stations in the World
European Perspectives on a Disaster: Courrières (1906)
European Political Cooperation (1970-1993)
European Public Policy
European Sport Space: Circulations, Organizations, and European Identity (The)
European Sports Conference (1973-2005) (The)
European Trade Policy
European Union Gender Equality Policies Since 1957
European Welfare States
European welfare states and gender
European Women and the Main International Women’s Organizations
European Women’s Lobby (EWL)
Europeanists during the Interwar Period
Europeans in Ports in Colonial Contexts
Expulsion of Refugees and Foreigners in 19th Century Europe
Expulsion of the Germans of Czechoslovakia after the Second World War
Extractivism and environment in Europe (sixteenth–twenty-first century)
Fascist Ideology and Europe
Female “Diplomats” in Europe from 1815 to the Present
Female allegories of the nation
Female student mobility in modern Europe
Feminism and Neo-Malthusianism
Feminism and the Global Justice Movement
Feminisms and Feminist Movements in Europe
Feminist Posters (Nineteenth to Twenty first Century)
Feminization of European Armies
Feminization of European political personnel and parity in Europe (The)
Fénelon’s Traité de l’éducation des filles and Girls’ education in Egypt, c. 1900
Fighting the resistance in occupied Europe, 1939-1945
Figure of the Chinese in European Art (The)
Figuring war with maps in Europe
Filmmakers from Berlin and Vienna exiled in Hollywood
Finnish Forestry: from the periphery to the centre of the European forestry
Flemish Artists’ Training Voyages in Italy
Forced labor in European colonies
Forced Migration and the End of Minorities in Europe (1944-1957)
Forced Migrations and Labor in European Colonies
Founding fathers of Europe and the ECSC mother (The)
France-Ireland: Revolutionary Circulations
France, the Atlantic Alliance and the Europe of Defence since the end of the Cold War
Fraternization in the Armed Forces during the two World Wars.
French Border Police and the Creation of the Schengen Area
French engravers in the face of Jansenism during the Eighteenth Century
French Garden (The)
French Protestant Artists and the Refuge
French Revolution and Diplomatic Practice (The)
From demographic transition to sexual revolutions
From Luther to Lutheranism
From Propaganda at the Front to a Propaganda Front
From Sea to Land
From the Center for Contemporary Jewish Documentation to the Shoah Memorial
From the Europe of citizens to European citizenship, 1974-1992
From the history to the memory of l’école indigène
From the natural gender order to the nature of women
From the Right of Correction to the Fight to Eliminate Marital Violence
From therapeutic castration to contraceptive vasectomy
From Wool to Clothing: Commercial Circulation in Bronze Age Europe
Gas power and the urban environment in Europe during the 19th century
Gay rights and LGBTQI movements in Europe
Gender and Catholic authorities
Gender and circulations in Europe
Gender and criminality
Gender and Political Violence (19th-20th centuries)
Gender and profound changes in European Judaism
Gender and revolution in Europe, 19th-20th centuries
Gender and the Administration of Immigration in Europe
Gender and vocational education in Europe (19th-20th centuries)
Gender discrimination in housing?
Gender in children’s literature in Europe, 19th-21st centuries
Gender of '68 (The)
Gender of Communism
Gender of European Community Personnel (The)
Gender of football (The)
Gender of Migrations in the European Union: From the Single European Act (1986) to the Present (The)
Gender of Occupations
Gender of Superstition
Gender of the counter-revolution during the nineteenth century
Gender, Nationality and Naturalization
Gendered body in Europe: between constraint and emancipation (The)
Genocide: History and Uses of a Concept
Geography in the Colonial Contex
Ghosts in Ancien Régime Law
Gothique ou Opus Francigenum : une architecture sans frontières venue de France (Le)
Graphic Arts Collections in Renaissance Europe
Greenery in European Cities
Guaranteeing Peace through “Collective Security” in the 20th Century
Harlem Globetrotter tours in Europe during the second half of the twentieth century
Health and environment in Europe (Seventeenth¬–twenty-first century)
Health and Food in Europe: The Case of Aluminum
Health Issues Relating to Vaccination in Europe (Eighteenth Century to the Present)
Health policies and tuberculosis control: The case of Republican Turkey (twentieth century)
Henriette Hertz, Jacques Doucet, Aby Warburg
Herbal: an instrument for controlling nature (sixteenth–eighteenth century) (The)
Hereafter: Saint Michael (The)
Heritage of Neo-Hippocratism in Environmental Thought (Sixteenth-Nineteenth Century) (The)
Hermes Space Plane: The Paradox of European Human Spaceflight (The)
Hiding the Anthropocene
Historical Archives of the European Union (The)
History of Eurostat (The)
History of Fatherhood during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (The)
History of Organic Farming During the Twentieth Century (The)
Humanist Encounter With Kabbalah (The)
Humanist Republic of Letters (The)
Humanists and Europe
Hymn for the LoN, UN, and UNESCO? (A)
Ideas, actors and political practices in the environmental history of Europe
Illuminated Advertising in Europe
Illustrious Men in Italy and Europe (fourteenth–sixteenth century)
Images of the Holocaust
Immigration and Migration Policy in Post-Ottoman Turkey
Improving the Human Species, eugenics in Europe, Nineteenth–Twentieth Century
Indentured Labour in European Colonies during the 19th Century
Industrial Heritage: A New Cultural Issue
Industrial pollution in Europe
International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts of 1925 (The)
International Hague Conferences of 1899 and 1907
International of children’s republics in the aftermath of the Second World War (The)
International Patent System and the First World War (The)
International Polar Years: Internationalising Polar Research
International Textbook Revision in Europe from the Late Nineteenth Century to the Present
International Women’s Peace Movements
International Women´s Day (IWD), March 8th
Introduction of European art in Korea during the eighteenth century
Invention of the “expansion of French art” by Louis Réau (The)
Inventions and Inventors in the Eighteenth Century
Is war emancipatory for women?
Islam and Gender in Europe
Italians of Istanbul (Nineteenth-Twentieth Century) (The)
Italy’s failed project for the Trans-Balkan railway “Rome-Valona-Constantinople”
Jazz in Europe
Jewish Religious Instruction Manuals in 18th and 19th Century Europe
John Ruskin (1819-1900) and French Painting
Judeo-German Musicians Exiled to the United States (1933-1944)
Judging, Atoning, Reconciling
Kafka: A Witness of One of the First International Airshows
Languages of Islam During the Renaissance
Latin in Humanist Europe
Legislation on women’s work in Europe
Liberating and Being Liberated in Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Europe
Liberty and Citizenship in Europe
Library of a “True Connoisseur”, Charles Sauvageot (1787-1860) (The)
Louise Michel: She-Wolf of the Paris Commune (1870-1905)
Maharaja of Baroda : An Indian prince between anticolonial and imperial politics (The)
Male prostitution, 19th-20th centuries
Mamadou Racine Sy: First Black Captain in the French Army
Management of Soil Pollution in Europe (Twentieth–Twenty-first Century) (The)
Martial Races
Marvelous and the Supernatural on the Theater Stage (Fifteenth¬–Sixteenth Century) (The)
Masculinism in Europe
Massacre of the Herero and Nama: A colonial laboratory for genocide? (The)
Material Modernity(ies): Europe in Expansion
Materiality of School Culture in Europe, nineteenth-twentieth century (The)
Mathematics in secondary education in Europe (1800-1950)
Medical Emergencies in Europe during the Twentieth Century
Medieval Forest: A Precious Resource to Preserve (The)
Mediterranean red coral: A European merchandise of the first globalization
Meetings between Renaissance Monarchs
Memory of War, Memories of Names
Midwives in Europe
Migration and artistic identities
Migration of Twentieth Century European Dance Artists
Migrations of Italian Artists to France, from 1650 to 1789
Migratory controls with deadly consequences: The “Sidi Ferruch tragedy”, April 1926
Military Cemeteries: A European Invention after the First World War
Military Psychiatry in Europe: 19th-20th Centuries
Military service and masculinity
Military uniform (The)
Military-virile model (The)
Mines and the Environment in the Colonial Context
Mines, the Environment, and Mining Landscapes in Germany
Mobilities and identities at the border between the two Friuli (1866-1915)
Modernization and Representations of Artillery in Europe
Monastic Orders as Vehicles of Diffusion in Europe
Motoring And National Victories
Moving Past Infertility
Musée d’ethnographie du Trocadéro: a colonial museum ? (The)
Music and Torture
Music in the Military
Mutual tuition, a pedagogical “innovation” from the early nineteenth century
Naming Themselves: A Militant Act for Feminists (1967-1991)
Napoleon III and Europe
Napoleonic Europe
National Architectures in Europe
National Construction and European Issues
Nationalist Discourses on Art During the Nineteenth Century
Natural gas grid: the Swedish-Soviet negotiations
Naturism: the body as a central element in the return to nature
Neutrality: the hope of living in peace amid war
New Education
New Testament of Erasmus (1516) (The)
Nordic Cooperation
North African workers during the Second World War
Not so strategic: colonial Cyprus’s harbours and railway
Nuclear fear in Europe: from weapons to power stations
Occupation Regimes and Logic
Oil spills
Option of Nationality (The)
Organizing the International System
Origins of the “European Social Model”
Origins of the Aerostat (1780s)
Pacification, an Imperial Process
Painting War
Palladio, a model for the architecture of classical Europe
Parliaments and the Public Sphere
Partnership and Confrontation: Europe in Russian and Soviet History Textbooks
Patents in Europe before the First World War
Paternal Authority in Western Europe
Pedagogy of Collective Memory in Europe (The)
Persian Gulf: An Imperial and Global Space During the Nineteenth Century (The)
Photojournalism in Europe, 1920-1970
Pilgrimage to Mecca, Epidemics, and Health Protection in Europe (Nineteenth-Twentieth Century) (The)
Playing at War in Modern Europe
Pope, Arbiter of Europe Since the Beginning of the Early Modern Period (The)
Ports as Tools of European Expansion
Prelude to the Wars of Religion: The Sack of Rome (1527) (A)
Print Wars in Europe during the Sixteenth Century
Printers: new cultural actors in Europe beginning in the late fifteenth century
Prisoners of war and captivity in Europe
Projects for Perpetual Peace, 16th-18th centuries
Prospective and experimental utopias in 1960s Soviet architecture
Prostitution (19th-21st centuries)
Prostitution in a colonial setting
Psychiatric institutions in Europe, nineteenth and twentieth century
Public Sphere and the European Project
Purges and Wars in 20th-Century Europe
Queers in Europe
Querelle des dames during the Renaissance (The)
Questions of Gender in French and European Protestantism
Racial Mixing and Racial Boundaries in 19th-Century Martinique
Racism and Anti-Racism in Twentieth-Century European Educational Systems
Railways in northern East Central Europe before, during and after the First World War
Raymond Aron and Europe
Reception of The Second Sex in Europe
Recovery of manuscripts (The)
Refugee Resettlement in the United States after World War II
Refugees in Europe
Regulating Prostitution
Reinventing transatlantic relations
Religions and education in Europe (nineteenth to twenty-first century)
Repressed peoples in the Soviet Union
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