Alain Giami is a researcher in the social sciences. He is a Senior Researcher emeritus at Inserm, where he led the “Genre, sexualité, santé” research team. He has published numerous works, including Infirmières et sexualité : entre soins et relations with Pierre Moulin and Émilie Moreau (Presses de l EHESP, 2015); Sexual Revolutions with Gert Hekma (Palgrave, 2014; La Musardine, 2015); Des sexualités et des handicaps : questions d’intimité with Bruno Py and Anne-Marie Toniolo (Presses universitaires de Lorraine, 2013); and L’expérience de la sexualité chez de jeunes adultes with Marie-Ange Schiltz (Inserm, 2004). He is developing an international research program on Transgender/Transexuals (France, Brazil, Italy, Norway, Chile, Portugal), as well as a study of the transformation of contemporary sexology toward sexual medicine, sexual health, and sexual rights.