Alain Hugon (†) is a former member of Casa de Velázquez (Madrid) and has been a professor of modern history at the University of Caen-Normandy from 2002 to 2022. His main publications about espionage and international relations are the following: Rivalités européennes et hégémonie mondiale – modèles politiques, conflits militaires et négociations diplomatiques, xvie-xviiie siècles (European Rivalries and Global Hegemony – Political Models, Military Conflicts and Diplomatic Negotiations: 16th-17th centuries) (Paris: Armand Colin, 2002) ; Au service du Roi Catholique : « honorables ambassadeurs » et « divins espions » face à la France. Représentation diplomatique et service secret dans les relations hispano-françaises de 1598 à 1635 (In the Catholic King’s Service: “Honorable Ambassadors” and “Divine Spies” Against France: Diplomatic Representation and Secret Service in Franco-Hispanic Relations from 1598 to 1635) (Madrid: Library of the Casa de Velázquez, 2004); With Laurent Bourquin, Philippe Hamon and Yann Lagadec, La politique par les armes. Conflits internationaux et politisation (xve-xixe s.) (Politics through Weapons: International Conflicts and Politicization (15th-19th centuries), (Rennes: PUR, 2014); La Grande Migration. De l’Espagne à l’Amérique 1492-1700 (The Great Migration: From Spain to America 1492-1700) (Paris: Vendémiaire, 2019).