The socio-historian Anaïs Bohuon is Associate Professor HDR in the UFR STAPS at l’université Paris Sud.
In 2012, she published her first work with éditions iXe entitled Le test de féminité dans les compétitions sportives : une histoire classée X? The goal of this book was to revisit the social and political history of these tests, and to show how they constituted a genuine mechanism of domination.
At the same time, she collaborates regularly with the historian Grégory Quin, with whom she conducts research cutting across the history of the sciences, particularly that of medicine, and the history of physical and sports activities, notably through the prism of gender. They are attempting to show how muscles created “gender,” and thereby a certain contemporary definition of sexual difference. The objective of these two historians is to retrace the broad outlines of the genealogy of norms for contemporary femininity, by showing the historicity of the body within and through the study of scientific and corporeal techniques, for which it serves as source material.