Andrea DAHER
Andrea Daher is Emeritus Professor at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, where she coordinates the Research Laboratory on the History of Literacy. She is the author of Les Singularités de la France Équinoxiale. Histoire de la mission des pères capucins au Brésil (1612-1615) (Paris, Honoré Champion, 2002); and L’Oralité perdue. Essais d’histoire des pratiques lettrées (Brésil, xvie-xixe siècle) (Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2016). From 2010 to 2014 she held the Sergio Buarque de Holanda chair at the Maison des sciences de l’homme in Paris, in collaboration with the Institute for Research on Modern Western Civilizations, 16th-19th centuries at Paris IV-Sorbonne University.