Anna Åberg is a historian of technology, assistant Professor, Technology Management and Economics at Chalmers University of Technology with a focus on energy- and resource history, and narratives of science and technology in popular culture. Her research themes span from internationa fusion research, through Swedish uranium import and sea- and space mining, to sports history and narratives of energy and the environment in popular culture.

Anna is engaged in the international networks Tensions of Europe and the Society for the History of Technology. Her recent publication include:

  • Introduction to Special Issue on Environmental Themes in Popular Narratives, 2018 "Environmental Communication", 1752-4032 (ISSN) Vol. 12
  • Around the World in 143 Days: Times at the Scale of the Anthropocene, Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities, 2330-8117 (eISSN)  Vol. 5
  • An even colder war? Specialization and scientization in the training methods of cross-country skiing from the 1940s in Sweden and the Soviet Union, 2017, in Beyond Boycotts.
  • Rising Seas: Facts, Fictions and Aquaria, in Curating the Future: Museums, Communities and Climate Change, 2017 , Routledge.

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