Anne Cova holds a doctorate in history (1994) from the European University Institute in Florence and an HDR in history (2013) from the University of Lisbon, where she is a researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences. Her publications include Féminismes et néo-malthusianismes sous la IIIe République: « La liberté de la maternité » (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2011). She co-edited a book entitled Comparative Women’s History: New Approaches (New York: Social Science Monographs/Columbia University Press, 2006), which was translated into Spanish, French and Portuguese. She recently published “The national councils of women in France, Italy and Portugal. Comparisons and entanglements 1888-1939,” in Oliver Janz and Daniel Schönpflug, eds, Gender History in a Transnational Perspective: Biographies, Networks, Gender Orders (New York: Berghahn Books, 2014, 46-76). Her current research focuses on a comparative and transnational history of national councils of women in Southern Europe and Latin America (1900-1945).