Anne de Floris is a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris and holds an agrégation in history. PhD candidate at Sorbonne-Universités – UMR SIRICE, her doctoral research, under the direction of Pascal Griset, focuses on human spaceflight in the context of European space activities. In her work, she investigates the role and impact of manned spaceflight within the strengthening of Europe as a relevant and autonomous space power. She is also a Case Study Author in the Work Package « Space », led by David Burigana, as part of the European project InsSciDe / Inventing a Shared Diplomacy for Europe (H2020). Her latest publication is « Réalités et illusions d’un consensus : l’itinéraire décisionnel du programme Hermès », in Bouneau, C. and Burigana, D. (dir), Experts et expertise en science et technologie en Europe des années 1960 à nos jours. Société civile organisée, démocratie et prise de décision politique, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2018.