Arnaud Alessandrin is the holder of a doctorate in sociology from l’université de Bordeaux, where he defended a thesis in 2012 entitled “Du ‘transsexualisme’ aux devenirs trans.” Since then he has conducted research with Anastasia Meidani on cancer and transidentities (CGSO, 2013), as well as cancer and gender (INCA, 2014). He led the “SANTE LGBTI” research project (DILCRAH, 2017), and serves as editor of the journal Les cahiers de la LCD with Johanna Dagorn. His publications include La transidentité (Paris, L’Harmattan, 2011), Sociologie de la transphobie with Karine Espineira (Maison des sciences de l’homme d’Aquitaine, 2015), and Sociologie des transidentités (Paris, Cavalier bleu, 2018).