Bruno Marnot is the holder of an agrégation and a doctorate in history. He is Professor of Modern History at the University of La Rochelle and a specialist on the maritime and port history of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. He is a member of the Centre de recherches en histoire internationale et atlantique (CRHIA), the deputy director of the GIS Histoire et sciences de la mer, as well as author notably of: Le refus du déclin. Le port de Bordeaux au xixe siècle (Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 2013).


“Container” ships in the port of Marseille, glass projection plaque, early 20th century. début du XXe siècle
“Container” ships in the port of Marseille, glass projection plaque, early 20th century. Source : Fonds Colbert
Hamburg: New tall ship port at the Asia quay around 1890-1900 (anonymous photochrom ©Library of Congress, Washington).

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