Catherine HOREL

Catherine Horel is a Director of Research at the CNRS (Sirice UMR 8138). A specialist in Modern Central European History, she teaches at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. She is a member of numerous international organizations, as well as the secretary general of the Comité international des sciences historiques (CISH). Her research explores the sociopolitical structures of the Hapsburg Empire, urban history, and the history of the Jews. Among her most recent books are: Cette Europe qu’on dit centrale. Des Habsbourg à l’intégration européenne (1815-2004) (Paris: Beauchesne, 2009); Catherine Horel, ed., 1908, la crise de Bosnie dans le contexte européen cent ans après (Brussels: Peter Lang, 2011); L’amiral Horthy, régent de Hongrie (Paris: Perrin, 2014); Catherine Horel, ed., Les guerres balkaniques 1912-1913. Conflits, enjeux, mémoires, (Brussels: Peter Lang, 2014).



Lionel Royer, Vercingetorix throws down his arms at the feet of Julius Caesar (in -52), 1899. Oil on canvas. Musée Crozatier, Le Puy en Velay.
The Zentrales Denkmal Flucht und Vertreibung 1945 [Central Memorial for the Flight and Expulsion of 1945], conceived by Joachim Bandau and inaugurated in 1999, Nuremberg.

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