Charlotte VORMS
An alumna of the École normale supérieure, Charlotte Vorms is an Associate Professor of History at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, and a member of the Center for the Social History of Contemporary Worlds. Her research focuses on the history of urban societies during the modern era.
She has published Bâtisseurs de banlieue. Madrid : le quartier de la Prosperidad (1860-1936) (Grane, Créaphis éditions, 2012). She has notably co-edited L’urbanisme espagnol depuis les années 1970. La ville, la démocratie et le marché (Rennes, PUR, 2013, with Laurent Coudroy de Lille and Céline Vaz); Histoire et conflits de mémoire en Espagne, special issue of Vingtième Siècle. Revue d’histoire (2015, with Élodie Richard); What’s in a name? Talking about urban peripheries (Toronto, Toronto University Press, 2017, with Richard Harris), “Favelas, bidonvilles, baracche, etc. : recensements et fichiers,” special issue of Histoire & Mesure (2019, with Françoise de Barros). She is currently completing a book on the administration of Madrid’s informal periphery under Francoism, and directs the international research program entitled “The informal city during the twentieth century: Urban policies and the administration of populations.” She is a member of the editorial boards of 20&21. Revue d’histoire and