Claire LAFON

Claire Lafon is a young researcher from the Centre de recherches en science politique (CReSPo) of the University Saint-Louis in Brussels. She is preparing a thesis, co-directed by the Sorbonne Nouvelle, on the Europeanization of feminism in the European women’s lobby, at the crossroads of gender studies, history, and political sociology. She co-edited with Viviane Teitelbaum the Glossaire du féminisme published in 2014 by Le bord de l’eau, and is notably the author of an entry on Denise Fuchs for the Dictionnaire des féministes de la Révolution française à nos jours, forthcoming in early 2016 from the Presses universitaires de France. A volunteer teacher of French as a foreign language for Vie féminine, a non-profit organization helping migrant women, Claire led in 2014-2015 a current events seminar] on “Gender and Policy” at the University Saint-Louis.