Damien Simonneau is an Associate Professor of Political Science at INALCO affiliated with CESSMA. He served as a scientific coordinator and postdoctoral researcher at l’Institut Convergences Migrations (Collège de France) in 2020-2021. His research focuses on contemporary border security, ranging from the walling off of borders and the defense of foreigners’ rights to the digitization of migratory control. He has conducted surveys in Israel/Palestine, on the United States/Mexico border, and in France and Belgium. He recently published L’obsession du mur. Politique de militarisation frontalière en Israël et aux États-Unis, Peter Lang (coll. “Enjeux internationaux”), 2020.


Migreurop, Note #12 “Data and new technology: the hidden face of control over mobility,” December 2020, p. 3, accessible:
Migreurop, Note #12 “Data and new technology: the hidden face of control over mobility,” December 2020, p. 3, accessible: http://migreurop.org/article3021.html

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