Elif Becan holds a PhD in political studies from the EHESS. Her research focuses on the categorization of foreigners in post-Ottoman Turkey as established and used by Turkish authorities, and as interpreted by the Muslim populations of the Balkans that migrated to Turkey during the first half of the twentieth century. She especially examines the categories used as part of migration policies. Her research topics include immigration in the post-imperial space, the formation of the state, administrative practices, as well as the documentation of individual and collective identity. Elif Becan recently published: “Traiter le silence des migrants musulmans des Balkans en Turquie. À propos de l’ouvrage de Francis Trix, Urban Muslim Migrants in Istanbul,” Turcica. Revue d’études turques. Peuples, langues, cultures, États, no. 50, 2019, p. 451-468.