Elsa Jamet is a doctoral student in the history of architecture at Sorbonne Université (Centre André Chastel, UMR 8150), with Jean-Baptiste Minnaert as supervisor. Her dissertation is entitled “At the Heart of the Haussmannian System: Henri Blondel (1821-1897), Architect, Entrepreneur, and Financier,” and is part of a doctoral contract with a teaching assignment (September 2018-September 2021). Her research on the Haussmannian system is in keeping with her Master’s thesis on “The Faubourg Saint-Germain in the Haussmannian Era,” with Alexandre Gady as supervisor.



“M. Donon, President of the Société des dépôts et comptes courants,” in Comic-Finance, Journal satirique financier (Financial Comic, Satirical Financial Review), October 23, 1873.

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