Erik van der Vleuten is Professor of History of Technology and Chair of the History Lab at the Eindhoven University of Technology. He studies the modern and contemporary history of socio-technical 'Grand Challenges' and transitions. Erik’s areas of expertise include transnatonal history of technology, sustainability transitions, transnational infrastructure, and critical infrastructure. Specifically, Erik has studied the dynamics of slowly evolving socio-technical systems such as energy or water supply, food provision, financial services, or ecological networks, and their societal implications in the 19th-21st centuries. Currently, Erik coordinates an explorative international research program on Technology and Societal Challenges 1800-Today. Erik also leads an NWO program on the long-term dynamics of global resource chains and their sustainability implications, and coordinates the TU/e team in the Horizon2020 program History of Nuclear Energy in Society HoNESt.
Recent books : Engineering the Future, Understanding the Past: A Social History of Technology (2017); Europes Infrastructure Transition: Economy, War, Nature (2015); The Making of Europe’s Critical Infrastructure: Common Connections and Shared Vulnerabilities (2013).