Fabien SIMON

Fabien Simon is Associate Professor in Early Modern History at l’université Paris Diderot. His research focuses on the history of knowledge during the early modern period, and the seventeenth century in particular. It takes two primary directions: the first is the study of projects for universal languages during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (“Sortir de Babel. Une République des langues en quête d’une ‘langue universelle’ à la Renaissance et à l’Age classique?” his doctorate under the direction of Olivier Christin and Philippe Hamon); and the second on the study of the European reception of extra-European languages.


Simon Fokke, Frontispice for the Journal Republyk der geleerden (“The Republic of Letters”), 1745. Rijksmuseum RP-P-201b-1050. Minerva, the goddess of wisdom and knowledge, appears to be watcing over the library where men of letters are working and discussing, as Mercury, the god associated with the press and information, instructs them. Source : Wikimedia Commons

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