Fabien Théofilakis is Associate Professor at l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, after having served as visiting professor at l’Université de Montréal. A specialist on war captivity during the twentieth century, he is notably the author of Les prisonniers de guerre allemands. France (1944-1949). Une captivité de guerre en temps de paix (Paris, Fayard, 2014). Between 2014 and 2016, he conceived and directed a French-German project on the First World War, which led to the volume Cote à côte : Berry-au-Bac dans la Première Guerre mondiale. Perspectives franco-allemandes sur les fronts de l’Aisne (Brussels, Peter Lang, 2017; German edition published in 2018). He is currently working on Eichmann’s trial in Jerusalem based on the notes taken by the accused. 


Heinrich Himmler’s Reichsführer-SS inspecting a camp of Soviet war prisoners in the fall of 1941. Source : U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, via Wikimedia Commons.

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