Fabrice JESNÉ

Fabrice Jesné is Senior Lecturer at the University of Nantes, member of the Centre de recherches en histoire internationale et atlantique (CRHIA), and director of studies for the early modern and modern periods at the École française de Rome. A former student of the the École normale supérieure de Paris and holder of an agrégation in history, as well as a former member of the École française de Rome, Fabrice Jesné's current research explores the history of international relations and the contemporary Mediterranean in two directions. In the continuation of his doctoral thesis dedicated to the origins of Italian imperialism in the Balkans (1861-1913), he has taken an interest in the Italian occupations of the Balkans from 1912 to 1922. At the same time, he is researching Italian consular services in the Mediterranean (eighteenth to twenty-first centuries) in view of analyzing the construction of the early modern state by observing the relations it had with its national expatriates.