Fabrice Virgili is a Director of Research at the CNRS (UMR SIRICE). He has been working on gender and the world wars for a number of years, notably on sexual violence. A member of the editorial board of the journal Clio. Femmes, Genre, Histoire as well as vice-president of the association Mnémosyne pour le développement de l’histoire des femmes et du genre, he is head of the “Gender & Europe” research pillar of the LabEx EHNE. He has notably published with the publisher Payot: La garçonne et l’assassin. Histoire de Louise et de Paul, déserteur travesti, dans le Paris des années folles (2011); Sexes, genre et guerres, France 1914-1945 (2010); Naître ennemi. Les enfants nés de couples franco-allemands pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale (2009); and La France « virile » des femmes tondues à la Libération (2000). He edited issue No. 39 of the journal Clio. Femmes, Genre, Histoire, “Les lois genrées de la guerre” (2014). 


A suffragette being force-fed at Holloway women’s prison in Great Britain during the hunger strike for women’s suffrage, circa 1911.
A suffragette being force-fed at Holloway women’s prison in Great Britain during the hunger strike for women’s suffrage, circa 1911. Source : The Suffragette, Sylvia Pankhurst, New York, Source Book Press, 1970 (1911). Source : Wikimedia Commons.
Popular Anti-alcohol League, circa 1900. © Brussels, Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage. Source : Europeana Collections.
Women's Regiment from Petrograd relaxing, drinking tea and eating, in front of their tents. Russian White Army, World War I. Source: Library of Congress Call Number https://goo.gl/H5Xp8Y

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