Fanny Bugnon is Associate Professor in History and Gender Studies at l’université Rennes 2. She works on the political engagement of women and its variations on the margins of legality: female militants from post-1968 armed revolutionary organizations, and the first female elected representatives before the obtaining of political citizenship in France. Her publications include: Les « Amazones de la terreur ». Essai sur la violence politique des femmes, de la fraction Armée rouge à Action directe (Paris, Payot, 2015); “Prolétaires de tous les pays, qui lave vos chaussettes?” Le genre de l’engagement dans les années 68 (co-edited with Ludivine Bantigny and Fanny Gallot, Rennes, PUR, 2017); and Les territoires de la violence politique en France, de la fin de la guerre d'Algérie à nos jours (co-edited with Isabelle Lacroix, Paris, Riveneuve, 2017). She is also interested in the social imaginary relating to crime and imprisonment.