Fanny Gallot is a historian at l’université Paris-Est Créteil and a member of the Center for Research in Comparative European History (CRHEC), and also teaches at l’INSPE. She is the author of En découdre, comment les ouvrières ont révolutionné le travail et la société, published by Découverte in 2015. Her research focuses on women’s and gender history, labor history, unionism, and feminisms. 


A suffragette being force-fed at Holloway women’s prison in Great Britain during the hunger strike for women’s suffrage, circa 1911.
A suffragette being force-fed at Holloway women’s prison in Great Britain during the hunger strike for women’s suffrage, circa 1911. Source : The Suffragette, Sylvia Pankhurst, New York, Source Book Press, 1970 (1911). Source : Wikimedia Commons.

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