After completing studies in philosophy at the University of Palermo, Flavia Buzzetta defended her doctoral dissertation on “Aspects de la magia naturalis et de la scientia cabalae dans la pensée de Jean Pic de la Mirandole (1486-1487)” (University of Palermo-EPHE). She has been a Fernand Braudel-Hastec fellow (Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme- Laboratoire d’Excellence Hastec, Paris), a resident at the Paris Institute of Advanced Study, and a European Commission Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellow as well. She is an associate researcher at the Laboratoire d’études sur les monothéismes (LEM-CNRS)

Her research focuses on the relationship and exchanges between Jewish and Christian thought during the Renaissance, in the philosophical, magical, and Kabbalistic fields. She has published articles regarding central questions in her research area, edited collective works, and produced a database on divine names accessible at https://cabbala.nakalona.fr.

She has published one edition of the Liber de homine (Liber de homine. Edizione del ms. Vat. Ebr. 189, ff. 398r-509v, La Finestra, Lavis 2015), and the monograph Magia naturalis et scientia cabalae in Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Olschki, Florence 2019. 


Jean Thenaud, Treatise on Kabbalah, Bibliothèque publique et universitaire de Genève, ms. fr. 167, f° 27v. Source : www.e-codices.unifr.ch

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