Françoise THÉBAUD

Françoise Thébaud is Professor Emeritus of Modern History at the University of Avignon and associate researcher at the Institut Genre at the University of Geneva. She is also co-editor of the French language journal Clio. Femmes, Genre, Histoire, which has been translated into English since 2013, as well as a member of the LabEx EHNE Gender research team. In addition to her editing of issues of Clio FGH, her latest publications include: Écrire l’histoire des femmes et du genre (Lyon: ENS Éditions, 2007; Spanish translation 2013), La fabrique des filles (with Rebecca Rogers, Paris: Textuel, 2010, republished 2014), La place des femmes dans l’histoire. Une histoire mixte (co-edited with Geneviève Dermenjian, Irène Jami, Annie Rouquier, Paris: Belin, 2010), Les femmes au temps de la guerre de 14 (Paris: Payot, 2013). She has also co-edited, with Isabelle Ernot, the "Historiennes" entries for the Dictionnaire universel des créatrices (Paris: Éditions des femmes, 2013). She is currently writing the biography of Marguerite Thibert (1886-1982), doctor of philosophy, pacifist, feminist, socialist, and expert on women's work at the International Labour Office in Geneva.


Women’s football team made up of female laborers from the AEC Munitions Factory in Beckton, London, during the First World War. Source : Impérial War Museum, Londres

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