Gabrielle BOULEAU

Gabrielle Bouleau is a political scientist specializing in public policies relating to the environment and water management. A researcher at INRAE in Champs-sur-Marne, she has worked on urban and rural water networks in France, water rights in California, the consideration given to the environment in professional activities, and the ecologization of water policy in France and Europe. Her current research focuses on how awareness of climate change and the loss of biodiversity are reflected in public policies, and how these policies adapt to this awareness. She is notably the author of Politicization of Ecological Issues: From Environmental Forms to Environmental Motives (London: John Wiley & Sons, 2019).


The Treaty of Amsterdam was signed in 1997. It took effect in June 1999, and gave more power to the Parliament regarding water-related issues. European Commission Audiovisual Library Credits.
The Treaty of Amsterdam was signed in 1997. It took effect in June 1999, and gave more power to the Parliament regarding water-related issues. European Commission Audiovisual Library Credits.

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