Dr. Geraldien von Frijtag received her Ph.D. in history from the University of Amsterdam in 1999. She was previously researcher at the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies in the Netherlands and currently holds the position of Assistant Professor of History at the University of Utrecht. Her fields of interests encompass fascist and national-socialist ideology, Nazi occupation policy, daily life under occupation, the Holocaust and, more broadly, ethnic cleansing in twentieth-century Europe and its overseas colonies. She is the author of the book, Hitler’s Brudervolk (2015) which examines the Dutch participation in the Germanization project of the occupied East and the engagement of Dutch “pioneers.” She is a member of the Research Committee of the EU-funded EHRI (European Holocaust Research Infrastructure), a participant in the international network on Supranational Criminology, and the initiator and coordinator of the research group “Perpetratorship in the Context of Mass Violence” based in Utrecht/Amsterdam.


A German family from the Baltic moves into a house in Warthegau (occupied Poland), after its previous owners have been expelled, in November 1939.
A German family from the Baltic moves into a house in Warthegau (occupied Poland), after its previous owners have been expelled, in November 1939. Source : Archives fédérales allemandes, via Wikipédia

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