Isabelle Matamoros is a postdoctoral fellow at the Labex EHNE, where she is the coordinator of the “Gender and Europe” research focus. After completing a dissertation on the reading practices of women in France during the first half of the nineteenth century, she continued her research on the emancipation of women through knowledge. She has published: “L’habitude de bien lire. Les lectures quotidiennes d’une jeune bourgeoise dans les années 1820,” CLIO. Femme, genre, histoire 50 (2019); “Une bibliothèque à l’usage des enfants au début du xixe siècle : conservation, circulations et appropriations du livre dans la bibliothèque familiale des Guérin,” Romantisme 179 (2018): 115-127.


Georges Croegaert (Belgium, 1848-1923), Reading, 1890, oil on canvas, Musée Carnavalet, Paris. © Carnavalet/Roger-Violet.

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