Jérémie Koering is a research fellow at the CNRS and assistant director of the centre André-Chastel (UMR 8150). After being a resident of the Académie de France in Rome and a Lavoisier scholarship holder, he received the Focillon grant 2014-2015 (Yale University). His research focuses on early modern art in its political (Le prince en représentation, Arles: Actes Sud, 2013, prix François-Victor Noury), cultural (Les façades peintes, work in progress), and poetic (Andrea Mantegna, Making Art History, Wiley, 2014) dimensions, as well as on the history of art history (André Chastel; Robert Klein; Meyer Schapiro). His current research is devoted to visual quotation in Renaissance art (Les iconophages, forthcoming), images for consumption (L’image à la bouche, forthcoming) and drawing as an epistemological tool.