Jan-Henrik MEYER

Jan-Henrik Meyer is a senior researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the History of European Law, Frankfurt and an associate researcher at the Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History. His research interests focus on the history of Europe and European Integration, environmental, legal, cultural, social and political history, as well as energy history, in particular nuclear energy and society. Recent publications include: (with Ute Hasenöhrl). "The Energy Challenge in Historical Perspective." Technology and Culture 61, no. 1 (2020): 295-306; "Environmental Policy." In The European Commission 1986-2000 – History and Memories of an Institution, edited by Vincent Dujardin, et al., 371-387. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2019.


Across borders, anti-nuclear protest was an important part of environmentalist mobilization in the 1970s. Transboundary Protest against the Swedish Barsebäck nuclear power plant: Poster of first "Nordic Atomic March, 7 August 1976 (Picture: Lasse Herneklint)

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