Jean-Marc Dreyfus, historian, is a Professor at the University of Manchester (United Kingdom) and an associate researcher at the History Centre at Sciences Po (Paris). A specialist in the Holocaust and genocides, he has worked on the economic aspects of the holocaust: looting and restitutions. His post-doctoral accreditation-to-supervise-research memoir, entitled L’impossible réparation : déportés, biens spoliés, or nazi, comptes bloqués, criminels de guerre (“The Impossible Reparation: Deportees, Looted Assets, Nazi Gold, Blocked Accounts and War Criminals” Paris, Flammarion) was published in 2015. From 2012 to 2016, he ran the ERC research program “Les cadavres dans la violence de masse et les genocides” (“Corpses in Mass Violence and Genocides”), and published Catalogue Goering (Paris, Flammarion, 2015), in collaboration with the diplomatic archive. His current subject of research is the French mission that searched for the bodies of deportees in Germany. His most recent published work: Vollrath. D’Hitler à Adenauer, un ambassadeur entre deux mondes, (Vollrath: From Hitler to Adenauer, an Ambassador Between Two Worlds) Paris, Vendémiaire, 2020.


First and Second World War Military Cemetery of Montauville (Meurthe et Moselle, France).
First and Second World War Military Cemetery of Montauville (Meurthe et Moselle, France). Source : Wikimedia Commons.

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