Jean-Noël TARDY

With an agrégation (advanced teaching degree) and a Ph.D. in history, Jean-Noël Tardy is a research associate at the Centre d’histoire du xixe siècle (19th-Century Research Center). His book, L’Âge des ombres. Complots, conspirations et sociétés secrètes au xixe siècle (“The Age of Shadows: Plots, Conspiracies and Secret Societies in the 19th Century” (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2015)) was based on his thesis, which was supervised by Dominique Kalifa and defended at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. His research focuses on the 19th-century political imaginary, a concept that encompasses the values and institutions through which people imagine their society as a whole.