Jean-Sébastien CLUZEL

The archeologist and architect Jean-Sébastien Cluzel teaches Far Eastern art history and archeology at Sorbonne Université. A specialist in the history of architecture in Japan, he carried out the restoration of the Japanese follies in the Albert-Kahn garden in Boulogne-Billancourt, provided expert assessment for the stork room at the musée des Confluences in Lyon, and is associated as an expert with the restoration project for La Pagode cinema in Paris. His works include: Architecture éternelle du Japon – De l’histoire aux mythes (Dijon, Faton, 2008); Hokusai – Le vieux fou d’architecture (Paris, Seuil-BnF, 2014); Le sanctuaire d’Ise. Récit de la 62e reconstruction (Brussels, Mardaga, 2015); and Le japonisme architectural en France 1550-1930 (Dijon, Faton, 2018).


Bank of Japan, built between 1890 and 1896 in Tokyo by Tatsuno Kingo. Source : Wikimedia Commons
Perspective view of the North facade of the Salle des Fêtes, wash drawing published in L’architecture aux salons. Salon de 1897, Armand Guérinet, éditeur des Musées nationaux, Paris, 1897, pl. 175-176. © Bibliothèque Forney.

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