Laurent COUMEL
Laurent Coumel holds a doctorate in Modern History from Université Paris 1, and is an Associate Professor at the National Institute for Oriental Languages and Cultures (INALCO), as well as a researcher at the Europe-Eurasia Research Center (CREE). His dissertation Rapprocher l’école et la vie : une histoire des réformes de l’enseignement en Russie (1918-1964) (published by the Presses universitaires du Midi, 2014) focused on scientific public opinion and decision-making under Khrushchev in matters relating to schools and universities. He then turned to environmental history, coediting a book entitled Pouvoir(s) et environnement (Rennes, PUR, 2018), a special feature of Ab Imperio (2019) on ecoregional mobilizations in the Soviet and post-Soviet space, and an issue of Mouvement social (2017) on the legacy of the past in contemporary Russia. He is working on a territorialized history of environmental controversies in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia (twentieth–twenty-first century), and is part of the coordinating team for the online history and social science workshop “Anthropocène à l’Est” (Politika).
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