Laurent Warlouzet is Professor of History at l'Université du Littoral. A former post-doctoral fellow of the European University Institute (EUI) of Florence and at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), he is a specialist of the history of Western Europe in the globalization of the 1950s to the 1990s. He is particularly interested in its institutional, economic and social aspects.

He has notably published: Le choix de la CEE par la France. L’Europe économique en débat de Mendès France à de Gaulle (1955–1969) (Paris: Cheff, 2010), and Penser et construire l’Europe, 1919-1992 (Belin, 2007, with Jean-Michel Guieu, Christophe Le Dréau and Jenny Raflik).

His reflections on the history of European construction are summarized in an article entitled: "Dépasser la crise de l’histoire de l’intégration européenne" (Politique europeénne, 44, 2014).



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