Lilian Mathieu is a sociologist and a Director of Research at the CNRS (centre Max-Weber, ENS de Lyon). A specialist in the study of prostitution and social movements, he has notably published Mobilisations de prostituées (Belin, 2001); La double peine. Histoire d’une lutte inachevée (La Dispute, 2006); La condition prostituée (Textuel, 2007); L’espace des mouvements sociaux (Le Croquant, 2012); and La Fin du tapin. Sociologie de la croisade pour l’abolition de la prostitution (François Bourin, 2014). In 2013 he edited the special feature of issue No. 198 of the journal Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales entitled: “Prostitution : appropriations sécuritaires d’une cause victimaire,” and in 2015 published Sociologie de la prostitution (La Découverte). His current research focuses on French policy with regard to prostitution, especially from the legal viewpoint.