Lola Zappi is a doctoral student at the Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po (CHSP), and an ATER at l’université de Besançon for the year 2019-2020. She is completing her dissertation on the history of social work during the interwar years in Paris, which focuses on the relation of assistance that linked social workers and working-class service users. She has notably published: “Jeunes travailleurs, jeunes consommateurs. Les enquêtes sociales et la place des jeunes au sein des familles de milieux populaires,” Mil neuf cent. Revue d’histoire intellectuelle 35 (2017): 81-101.



Poster published by the Ministry for Public Health in 1942. (Note: the author of the blog mistakenly refers to the year 1940, the poster indeed dates from 1942). Source : devenirassistantesociale

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