Maria Luísa SOUSA

Maria-Luisa Sousa holds currently a post-doctoral fellowship in the Department of Applied Sciences, at Centro de Interuniversitario Historia da Ciensas e da Tecnologia (CIUHCT, FCT/NOVA). Her research interests focus in history of technology,  history of transports and mobility and urban history.

She recently published :

  • Roads for the 1940 Portuguese Nationality Commemorations: Modernising by excess in a context of scarcity", in The Journal of Transport History, 37, no. 2 (Dec. 2016)
  • Colonial Centres and Peripheries: Low-cost Roads and Portuguese Engineers in the 1950s", in Simone Fari e Massimo Moraglio (eds.), Peripheral Flows: A Historical Perspective on Mobilities between Cores and Fringes,  (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016)
  • A «mobilidade disciplinada» do ponto de vista do automobilista, in Alice Santiago Faria, Pedro M. P. Raposo (eds.), Mobilidade e circulação: perspectivas em História da Ciência e da Tecnologia (Lisboa: CIUHCT/CHAM, 2014)

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