A former student of l’École normale supérieure (Ulm, 2003) and a member of l’École française de Rome (2013), Marie Lezowski is Associate Professor at l’université d’Angers (TEMOS CNRS). Her areas of research include erudition, libraries, and objects of the Catholic faith, with early modern Italy as her field of preference. She is currently working on a history of sacrilege in early modern Europe.

Primary publications:
L’Abrégé du monde. Une histoire sociale de la bibliothèque Ambrosienne (Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2015).
With Stephane Jettot, eds., L’entreprise généalogique. Pratiques sociales et imaginaires en Europe (xve et xixe siècles) (Brussels: Peter Lang, 2016).
With Laurent Tatarenko, eds., “Façonner l’objet de dévotion chrétien : commerce, fabrication et circulations (xvie-xixe siècles),” Archives de sciences sociales des religions 183 (2018). 


Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Ms. D 140 inf., Al-Ǧahiz, Tractatus de Animalibus (Kitāb al-hayawān), f. 10r. fifteenth century, acquired by the Ambrosiana before 1631.

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