Mathieu Ferradou is an associate professor of the history of the French Revolution at University Paris Nanterre and a researcher at MéMo (the Medieval and Modern Societies History Center). In 2019 he defended his thesis, prepared at the History of the French Revolution Institute (IHRF/IHMC): “Aux États-Unis de France et d’Irlande : circulations révolutionnaires entre la France et l’Irlande à l’époque de la République atlantique” (““To the United States of France and Ireland:” Revolutionary Circulations between France and Ireland during the Age of the Atlantic Republic”) (publication forthcoming). The author of several articles about revolutionary circulations and issues of empire, nation and citizenship, he recently co-edited, with Paolo Conte and Jeanne-Laure Le Quang, a special issue of La Révolution française. Cahiers de l’Institut d’histoire de la Révolution française devoted to “l’étranger en révolution(s)” (“foreigners in revolution(s)”) (N° 22, 2022).