Mathieu Flonneau is Senior Lecturer at  the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Sciences-Po, specializing in urban history and the history of mobility and motoring. As an lecturer and researcher at IRICE-CRHI, he leads the P2M (Passé-Présent-Mobilité) research group. In 2012 he co-directed the Mondial de l’automobile motor show’s societal workshops, which since 2008 have been exploring different aspects of contemporary motoring. He is the co-editor of the “Cultures Mobiles” collection at Descartes & Cie. He published Les cultures du volant. Essai sur les mondes de l’automobilisme in 2008 with the publisher Autrement, and with Descartes & Cie he has published Automobile: les cartes du désamour (2009), L’autorefoulement et ses limites (2010), and Défense et illustration d’un automobilisme républicain. Essais libres (2014). He co-directed a research pillar of the ANR RESENDEM (“Grands réseaux techniques en démocratie”), and also co-edited Les transports de la démocratie. Les enjeux politiques de la mobilité, published by the Presses universitaires de Rennes in 2014.


Color postcard: “Channel crossing: the location Blériot flew over before landing in Dover”, based on a black and white photograph, 1909-1914.

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