Mathieu JESTIN

Mathieu Jestin is a post-doctoral fellow at the LabEx EHNE, and is in charge of scientific coordination for “The Europe of Wars and the Traces of Wars” research pillar. The holder of a doctorate in Modern History and International Relations from the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne in association with the the École française d'Athènes, he is working on French-Ottoman relations during the nineteenth century along with the emergence and structuring of consular diplomacy since the nineteenth century in all of its aspects: political, economic, legal, cultural and prosopographic. His thesis dealt with the subject of “Le consulat de France à Salonique de 1781 à 1913.” His current projects seek to extend his research to the twentieth century and to the comparison of European consular situations. He is also deepening his reflections on the history of representations, especially of war, through mediators such as diplomats and archeologists, as well as photojournalists, war correspondents, and artists.



Alan Wood, the war correspondent, typing his despatch in a wood outside Arnhem; with him are three members of the 1st British-Airborne Division. 18 September 1944
Photograph taken by Colonel Meches on April 12, 1945, upon the liberation of the Ohrdruf camp (Germany).
"“Everyone Kaputt. The First World War in Comic Books.” Source: with the kind permission of Barbara Zimmermann. "
Exterior view of the Panorama Museum of Bad Frankenhausen that houses the monumental fresco (14 m x 123 m) painted by Werner Tübke from 1983 to 1987.
Adolphe Billecoq, French consul in Bucharest, during the 1840s. Anonymous, Voyage illustré dans les cinq parties du monde en 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849 [Illustrated voyage in the five parts of the world in 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849], p. 93
Lion Gate, Mycenae, with Wilhelm Dörpfled (left) and Heinrich Schliemann (right), 1885, German Archaeological Institute of Athens, Neg.Nr. DAI-Athen-Mykene 63.

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