A former student of the Institut d’études politiques in Paris, Mathilde Falguière is a heritage conservator who is in charge of the photography department at the Médiathèque de l’architecture et du patrimoine (MAP). This institution, which is the successor to the documentation service of the Monuments historiques, conserves hundreds of thousand of architectural photographs, intended for heritage professional as well as the general public. Her research on architectural photography was conducted in connection with the exhibition Daniel Boudinet, le temps de la couleur (Daniel Boudinet, the age of color) in 2018, which focused on a late twentieth century photographer, and the conference L’arsenal des imaginaires urbains : la photographie au service des transformations de la ville (The arsenal of urban imaginaries: photography in the service of the city’s transformation) in 2019. She also contributed to the catalog for the exhibition Les Nadar, une légende photographique (The Nadars, a photographic legend), as well as the book Réalités (in)visibles – Autour d’Albert Kahn, les archives de la Grande Guerre.


Daniel Boudinet, Théâtre antique d’Orange, tirage phDaniel Boudinet, Roman Theater of Orange, photographic print, 1986, taken from the Mémoire database on the POP platform. Source : Plateforme POP © Donation Daniel Boudinet, Ministère de la Culture (France), Médiathèque de l’architecture et du patrimoine, diffusion RMN-GP. The MAP holds the rights for this photograph, and has authorized its representation in the context of this article.

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