Maude Williams is a doctoral student in the “Les évacuations dans l’espace frontalier franco-allemand 1939-1945” research project. Her thesis, co-directed by Professors Olivier Forcade (Paris-Sorbonne) and Johannes Großmann (Karl-Eberhard Universität Tübingen), deals with communication and information flows in societies at war, for example the evacuations along the French-German border between 1939-1940. Her research is also directed towards propaganda in France, Germany, and Great Britain during the twentieth century. She has notably published: "La guerre des ondes entre la France et l’Allemagne pendant la “drôle de guerre” (Revue historique no. 671 (2014): 630-654) and “La coopération franco-britannique en matière de propagande chez l’ennemi (1918-1940)” (Relations internationales, 2015).


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