Mercedes Yusta Rodrigo holds a doctorate in history and Hispanic studies, and is the holder of an agrégation in Spanish. She is currently Professor of Modern Spanish History in the Spanish department at the University Paris 8, and is a junior member of the Institut universitaire de France (class of 2012). Her research explores the resistance to the Franco dictatorship and women's antifascist organizations. She has published, among others, the monographs Guerrilla y resistencia campesina (Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2003) and Madres Coraje contra Franco. La Unión de Mujeres Españolas en Francia, del antifascismo a la guerra fría (Cátedra, 2009). She has co-edited a number of collective works, including D. Burgos, K. Bergès, M. Yusta and N. Ludec, eds, Résistantes, militantes, citoyennes. L’engagement politique des femmes aux xxe et xxie siècles (Rennes, PUR, 2015), and H. Garcia, M. Yusta, X. Tabet and C. Climaco, Rethinking Antifascism. History, Memory and Politics (1922-1945) (Berghahn Books, 2016).