Michel Christian is a researcher at the University of Geneva, and initially took an interest in the communist parties of Central Europe (Camarades ou apparatchiks? Les communistes en RDA et en Tchécoslovaquie (1945-1989), Paris, PUF, 2016), as well as the circulation of economic and social models between the East and the West during the Cold War (with Ondřej Matějka and Sandrine Kott, eds., Planning in the Cold War. Competition, Cooperation, Circulations, Cologne, De Gruyter, coll. “Rethinking the Cold War,” 2018). He is currently involved in a research project on the history of early childhood in Europe, with a focus on the circulation of knowledge and practices in the field (“Un printemps des crèches à l’Est ? Le cas de la RDA,” Annales de démographie historique, 2019, no. 1, p. 185-215).


Photograph taken in an Amsterdam nursery in 1942: children are distinguished based on their age group and supposed needs; the clothing of the childcare worker and the children reflects the nursery’s continuity with the hospital environment.
Photograph taken in an Amsterdam nursery in 1942: children are distinguished based on their age group and supposed needs; the clothing of the childcare worker and the children reflects the nursery’s continuity with the hospital environment. Source : Wikimedia Commons

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