Monique MERON
Monique Meron, a statistician interested in ethnology, is affiliated with the laboratory for quantitative sociology at CREST, and also serves as a member of the editorial board for the journal Travail, genre et sociétés.
She has worked at l’Insee, l’Ined, and the ministries of Employment and Education on methods for conducting surveys and analyses of the labor market and demographics. She led the development of the European socioeconomic classification (“ESeG = European Socio-economic Groups,” Working Document no. F1604, Insee 2016), as well as a new annual publication (Emploi, chômage, revenus du travail, Insee-reference 2016).
Her recent studies have explored women’s work history (Un siècle de travail des femmes en France, with Margaret Maruani, La Découverte, 2012), as well as statistical tools (“70 ans de statistiques sur l’activité des femmes : zones d’ombre et coups de projecteurs,” in Colloque des 70 ans de l’Insee, June 2016).