Dr. Nelson Ribeiro is Associate Professor in Communication Studies at the Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon. His research focuses on media history, namely on the history of transborder broadcasting. In 2015 he co-edited (with Stephanie Seul) a special issue of Media History dedicated to the BBC foreign language broadcasts during World War II.
Dr. Ribeiro’s previous works dealt with the media landscape in Portugal and in the Portuguese Empire from the 1930s to the 1960s. They demonstrate how censorship imposed by the dictatorship that ruled the country created a thirst for the consumption of news from foreign sources, mostly from the BBC.
Dr. Ribeiro is currently writing on the history of broadcasting in the Portuguese colonial territories from the 1930s to the 1970s. Histories of listening and reception are also among his main interests. Presently he is vice-chair of the Communication History Section at the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). His publications include:
- Stephanie Seul and Nelson Ribeiro, Revisiting Transnational Broadcasting: The BBC’s foreign-language services during the Second World War, Media History, 2015
- Nelson Ribeiro and Filipe Resende, O jornalismo convergente e a reconfiguração do trabalho nas redações da imprensa portuguesa Observatório, 2017
- Broadcasting to the Portuguese Empire in Africa: Salazar's singular broadcasting policy
- Critical Arts: South North Cultural and Media Studies, Dec 2014