Nicolas PATIN

Nicolas Patin is Associate Professor of Modern History at Bordeaux Montaigne University. His research focuses on German history between 1914 and 1945, as well as the history of Nazism. He has notably published: La catastrophe allemande, 1914-1945 : 1674 destins parlementaires, Paris, Fayard, 2014; and Krüger, un bourreau ordinaire, Paris, Fayard, 2017.


Stele commemorating the battle of Gross Nabas, Namibia. Battle against Hendrik Witboi (sic), January 2-4, 1905. Pro gloria et patria! Credits: M. Servanton, personal photo, 2018.
Stele commemorating the battle of Gross Nabas, Namibia. Battle against Hendrik Witboi (sic), January 2-4, 1905. Pro gloria et patria! Credits: M. Servanton, personal photo, 2018.

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